I do not give exact measurements, so feel free to adjust the suggested portions to your liking! Digestive enzymes will help further break down your food--especially if it is not raw--so I would suggest taking 1-2 with every meal! Try this for 2 weeks (if not, longer!) and spend the last 2-3 days fasting by either juicing or substituting the superfood shake for every meal.
Pre-Breakfast: Rise and shine time! Water with fresh squeezed lemon revs up your metabolism and begins the cleansing process!
-Squeeze a fresh, organic lemon into your water
Breakfast: Most important meal of the day—do not skip breakfast!
Superfood Shake Recipe:
-Almond milk
-1 banana
- Your choice of frozen fruit (i.e. frozen strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, acai berry, etc).
-Around ½ cup spinach
-1 to 3 tbsp of approved protein powder
Digestive enzyme*
Mid-Morning Snack
4 Raw Almonds
1 Apple
Slice of Manna/Ezekiel bread with almond butter
2 Fenugreek Seed Capsules*
Lunch: Should be your largest meal; attempt to include fresh fruit, vegetables and a protein
Recipe Suggestion #1: Strawberry Walnut Salad:

-Slice strawberries
-Raw walnut halves
-Approved protein
-Small amount of approved dressing
Recipe Suggestion # 2: Organic veggie burger with hummus and/or avocado
Recipe Suggestion # 3: Lettuce Wraps
-Head of iceberg lettuce
-Hummus/Fresh guacamole
-Raw carrot/celery carrots
-Edamame beans
-Raw nuts
Digestive enzyme*
Mid-Afternoon Snack
Laramar bar
Fresh fruit and veggies
Raw nuts (in moderation) or edamame
Slice of Ezekiel Bread with almond butter and fresh fruit
Synergy Kombucha tea*
2 Fenugreek Seeds Capsules*
Dinner: Should be your smallest meal; this meal can include your 40% cooked items but still attempt to include as much raw fruit and vegetables (foods higher in enzymes) because the digestion system/metabolism slows down toward the end of the day and therefore produces less enzymes.
Brown rice
Baked/grilled/steamed asparagus with olive oil and sea salt
Approved proteins
Optional supplements*
- Drink water and herbal teas throughout the day (optional added lemon)
-Yeast products
-Hydrogenated oils
-Simple carbohydrates
-Red meat
- Do NOT eat after 8pm
- Attempt 60% raw, 40% cooked
Holistic Tips and Suggestions
Take Your Time Eating! It is vital that you take time in your day to prepare and enjoy your meals!
- Sit down while you are eating
- Eat until you are satisfied not stuffed: Do not feel restricted by calorie counting or specific measurements but do not eat till you cannot move
- Turn off the TV: Try not to multitask when you are eating and really focus on your meal
- Remain seated and digest your meal after you are finished eating
- Read the ingredients labels—the less ingredients, the better
- Attempt to buy fresh, preferably organic or natural food items
- Always remember to not get discouraged if something goes awry, simply get right back on track :)
Approved Food Items
Protein: Attempt to buy high quality (preferably organic) proteins:
-Grilled chicken/salmon
-Organic eggs
-Raw nuts/legumes (i.e. almonds, walnuts, lentils, chickpeas, etc).
Protein Powder: This should include organic (preferably raw) ingredients that are free of dairy or any other animal bi-products (Look for spirulina as an ingredient)
Dressing: Organic olive oil, balsamic or red wine vinaigrette, etc. (Just make sure the dressing follows the guidelines by reading the ingredients label and remember to use sparingly for flavor)
Salt: Sea Salt
Sweetener: Stevia in the Raw
Bread: Manna or Ezekiel Bread (My favorites are Cinnamon Date Manna Bread or Cinnamon Raison Ezekiel Bread)
Spreads: Almond butter (Obviously raw almond butter is the best, but if you find raw almond butter ain't your thang, there are other delicious flavor options, such as honey roasted!)
Milk Substitute: Almond milk (avoid soy milk)
Desert: Organic dark chocolate (Attempt to get 60% or higher cocoa in the ingredients)