Regardless of where you live, work, socialize, etc. yoga teaches us to how to discover happiness and contentment everywhere. Yoga teaches us to find the calm in the uncomfortable.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day Delight!

So to completely contradict my life mantra of doing things for yourself/living in the moment and yaddity yaddity yah, I am going to use the worst excuse in the book: "I have been insanely busy!" 

Here is a fabulous email I received this morning from Kris Carr's "Crazy Sexy Life Newsletter" to justify not updating my blog/writing my own post. In my defense, Kris Carr basically says everything I intended to write ;) O.K. I'll shut up, enjoy! xoxox
September Songbirds,
As many of you already know I turned the big 4-0 this week. (Thanks for the miles of beautiful b-day shout-outs on my blog, twitter & Facebook). This birthday I did something I rarely do – I took the day off! On said day off, I went swimming, bopped around the mall near my mom’s house, drooled over a love seat I really want for our farm-ette, read a very cheesy mag/rag, drank a glass of champagne, snuggled my pooch (and my hubby), and laughed with my family over top secret high school hijinks finally revealed. It was like a glorious mini-holiday.
In our do-do-do society, sometimes it’s hard to remember that doing nothing is as important as doing something. And you know what’s even better than doing nothing? Doing something fun! Fun taps into your inner Divine goodness and bathes your cells in dazzling light, love and health.
No one knows better how to have fun and pleasure than my fiery friend Mama Gena! In fact, she believes it’s so important (as do I) that she teaches a dynamic class on it. Check it out below.
In this down economy, it’s easy to make excuses not to live like you mean it, to work really hard without giving yourself a break or to stop taking care of your preciousness. But friends, that is a trap. You'll tap into more life force energy and get more done if you focus on bringing joie de vivre back. Give yourself a break this week, make Labor Day a labor-free day and do something gleeful.
Peace & breezy days,

Photo credit: Brian Fassett