Regardless of where you live, work, socialize, etc. yoga teaches us to how to discover happiness and contentment everywhere. Yoga teaches us to find the calm in the uncomfortable.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lululemon Trunk Show in Auburn!

Pure barre Auburn is having a Lululemon trunk show tomorrow from 3:30-6:30! Sadly I am going to be able to attend, but I wanted to spread the word! Maybe it will inspire Auburn girls to switch up the "concourse Nike short" trend and start sportin' the lulu logo :)

Here's the address:

pure barre - auburn

2415 Moores Mill Road
Suite 240
Auburn, AL 36830

Monday, April 4, 2011

War Damn Earthfest!

Finally! An initiative for real food at Auburn!

I am ecstatic to see that there is a real food movement in Auburn! I literally dread eating on campus and it is time for a fresh start for Auburn's dining services. I also love the photo petition--so creative!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Defying the "Pretzel-Posed-Wise-Old-Man" Stereotype (Wow That's a Mouth-Full!)

Whether you are a yogi or not, enLIGHTend by Jessica Berger Gross is the quintessential inspirational read. By taking the ancient practice of yoga and making it applicable to the present day, Jessica Berger Gross breaks the notion that yoga is outdated, unobtainable and filled with complicated "pretzel poses." I read enLIGHTENend this past summer when I was up at our lake house in Michigan, and ended up having to pace myself in order to savior my own "enlightenment." It honestly is one of those books you get excited to read because I was able to find comfort within the text. 

I struggle a lot with my relationship with food--it's a love/hate relationship without a doubt--and Jessica chronicles a similar rocky relationship of overeating, overexercising, not eating, and everything in between used to [negatively] remedy life's obstacles. enLIGHTend was that book that put me another step (more-so leap) in the direction of accepting my body and building a better relationship with food. Here's a little synopsis quoted from the book to give you a taste (no pun intended) of enLIGHTened:

 "Eventually, my life changed, and my world--my heart--opened up. Yours can, too. This is the story of how studying yoga--not just the physical poses, but the philosophy behind them--helped me lose forty pounds, overcome my battle with depression, and change my life for good. In the coming chapters I'll share with you the basic principles of everyday living, eating, and moving that a decade of practicing yoga (and teaching it on and off) has taught me. Integrating these lessons into your life can lead you down the path of weight loss, help you find a sense of inner peace and contentment, and even--just maybe--a little bit of enlightenment."

Big Snaps for New Jeffery Campbell!

I literally cannot stop drooling over our new Jeffrey Campbell shoes at Behind the Glass and they are selling like hotcakes (since hotcakes are so popular?) and I am even tempted to invest in some more pairs online: check them out for yourself!

Cinnamon Pumpkin Smoothie Bliss!

With my new found surge of selfishness I decided to try out an old recipe with a new ingredient I have been dying to make: homemade almond milk (yummy!) But of course I have been attributing that good ole' "never having enough time" excuse as my reason for not making it. Well tonight I made the time to treat myself to what I have dubbed: Cinnamon Pumpkin Smoothie Bliss made with fresh, homemade almond milk!  

Homemade Almond Milk Ingredients:
  • 3 Cups of Coconut Water (I used Vita Coco)
  • 2 Cups of raw almonds

Extremely Complicated Directions for Almond Milk:
  • Pour all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until...well, blended (I blended mine for about 3 minutes).
*Note, you have to have a pretty powerful blender to make this almond milk i.e. VitaMix, Healthmaster, etc. or else you could potentially ruin your blender, which would obviously not be good...

Of course if almond milk or any of the ingredients aren't your thang, than feel free to substitute with whatever your heart pleases!

Now for the Cinnamon Pumpkin Smoothie Bliss Ingredients:
  •  Your fresh, homemade almond milk :)
  • 1 Frozen banana
  • 3 Tablespoons of cinnamon
  • 5 Spoonfuls of Pumpkin Puree (I used Farmer's Market Organic Pumpkin Puree)
  • 1 Cup of ice
  • 100% Love (O.K. so maybe I am copying Synergy Kombucha's ingredient on that one)

And voila! You have your scrumptious smoothie and on top of being delicious, pumpkin's are packed with vitamins, such as vitamin A (good for clear, sexy skin), naturally-derived calcium (for those strong bones), and my personal favorite, iron (considering iron is the numero uno mineral that us vegetarians need)!